Our team of certified professionals stays up to date on the constantly evolving regulatory requirements.
Our environmental engineers draw from extensive interdisciplinary backgrounds and expertise to make sure our clients’ projects are not delayed by unanticipated environmental issues. Our Denver-based team of certified engineers stay up-to-date on the constantly evolving regulatory requirements. We partner with government agencies, municipalities, private sector companies, and leading environmental organizations to solve complex environmental engineering challenges in a cost-effective and timely manner.
BEST specializes in Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for both phase one and phase two. Our staff understands what kind of environmental liabilities may hide in any real estate asset. Our process includes a site inspection, a review of historical records of the property, inspection of geology and hydrogeology, regulatory compliancy and interviews and document review. We then report findings as to whether past or present activities may have caused a release of hazardous substances or petroleum products at the property. The ESA is the primary tool used to qualify a user for the Landowner Liability Protections under CERCLA.
- Construction Plans / Monitoring / Oversight
- Environmental Site Assessments for Phase 1 and Phase 2
- Water Pollution Abatement Plans
- Groundwater Resources
- Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Erosion Control
Often new construction or redevelopment occurs in areas that have previously been developed, leading to the introduction of contaminants into the subsurface. In many cases, the contamination is not required to be cleaned up, yet the presence of the contamination needs to be incorporated into construction and waste disposal methods, worker protection, and off-site property protections. Our environmental engineering team regularly provides construction environmental plans for use at construction sites which have, or may have, contaminated soil or groundwater. Plans that are typically prepared, and the implementation that is monitored, by BEST include:
- Soil Management Plans
- Lead Compliance Plans
- Hazardous Waste Management Plans
- Excavation and Transportation Plans
- Dust Control/Mitigation Plans
Phase I ESAs are routinely performed as part of ownership transfers, new mortgages, or loan refinances for commercial properties. In addition, a Phase I ESA is required to be conducted on Brownfield sites that are receiving federal funding. The scope of services for a Phase I ESA is consistent with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) No. E1527, and the USEPA All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) standards.
Phase II ESAs are performed to evaluate the possible presence, nature, and extent of suspected contaminants in soil and/or groundwater that may be discovered through the performance of a Phase I ESA. The scope of work is typically presented as a Work Plan that may require regulatory agency approval prior to implementation. Field data collection typically consists of soil, groundwater or soil vapor sampling, which is accomplished by drilling, trenching, soil vapor surveys, groundwater well installation, and other techniques. Oftentimes geophysical techniques are used to help in understanding the subsurface conditions targeting sampling efforts. Mobile analytical testing laboratories may be used in order to provide quick analytical data in the field. All investigations which involve the collection and interpretation of subsurface information are performed under the direction of appropriately licensed and experienced BEST professional engineers and geologists.