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Eastbound I-70 Mount Vernon Emergency Escape Ramp Reconstruction

Structures Inc. /CDOT – I-70 Mount Vernon Ramp – Quality Control Testing, Nov. 2023 – Present, Genesse, Colorado

Best Engineering was retained for quality control for constructional materials testing for Structures Inc. who was the general contractor for the project. This Colorado Department of Transportation project rebuilt the existing emergency  escape ramp located along eastbound I-70 at Mile Post 257 just east of Genesee.  The project makes the ramp more visible and robust for truck drivers to see and use in the event of an emergency such as failed brakes or mechanical breakdown as they travel down the eastbound I-70 mountain corridor into the Denver region. Best Engineering provided all quality control testing for concrete materials being used in the project to ensure all materials were within plan specification for the project. Best Engineering performed laboratory and field testing on the subgrade preparation, concrete, and asphalt pavement.